Bringing Life to Your Business

5 Reasons to Join

Enterprise Networking Alliance 
membership puts and keeps "Money in your Pocket".

 Enterprise Networking Alliance members learn to be better public speakers.

 Enterprise Networking Alliance is a family & members are loyal to one another.

  Enterprise networking Alliance members have a reliable source of business professionals to recommend to clients, family and friends. 
   Enterprise Networking Alliance stimulates the "Feel Good Factor".  
(That great feeling we get in our hearts when we help others toward success)

Code of Ethics

I will provide the quality of services at the prices that I have quoted.

I will be truthful with the members and their referrals.

I will build goodwill and trust among the members and their referrals.

I will take responsibility for following up on the referrals I receive.

I will display a positive and supportive attitude with ENA Members. 

More about us

What is Networking?

Networking is the exchange of information and ideas among people with a common profession or special interest, usually in an informal social setting. [Important: Networking often begins with a single point of common ground.]
We’ve all heard the advice that networking is important for our careers. And regardless of your profession, your industry or demographic, the message is loud and clear. If you want to be successful, you need to spend time networking. It’s great advice. 

The Enterprise Networking Alliance meets every other Tuesday at 7:30 am at the Enterprise Chamber of Commerce. 

On the fifth Tuesday of each month we meet at a local restaurant for a

"Social Breakfast Meeting". 

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